Seat of Power
Seat of Power

How do you shoot a building differently which is photographed literally thousands of times a day? This was my dilemma here on Capitol Hill. I wanted to connect this seat of power with some sort of patriotic symbol. Walking around the building, I noticed the stars and stripes flying in a stiff breeze and decided to crop in close to capture it juxtaposed against the Capitol Building's famous dome.

Location: Capitol Hill, Washington DC, USA

Seat of Power

How do you shoot a building differently which is photographed literally thousands of times a day? This was my dilemma here on Capitol Hill. I wanted to connect this seat of power with some sort of patriotic symbol. Walking around the building, I noticed the stars and stripes flying in a stiff breeze and decided to crop in close to capture it juxtaposed against the Capitol Building's famous dome.

Location: Capitol Hill, Washington DC, USA